St. Mary's Secondary School, Ballina

St Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up Week

Stand up week is a national event that takes place all over the country during the month of November to raise awareness against homophobic bullying. Homophobic bullying, is bullying someone because they are a member of the LGBTI+ community.
St Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up Week

Stand up week is a national event that takes place all over the country during the month of November to raise awareness against homophobic bullying. Homophobic bullying, is bullying someone because they are a member of the LGBTI+ community.

This year’s the theme for Stand-Up week was 'Choose words that heal not hurt’. It was a week where everyone in St Mary’s got the chance to educate themselves and to reflect on the effect that both our positive and negative words can have on someone. It was a week where everyone was encouraged to rise each other up.

Our Stand Up began with an introduction to the school community about the week ahead. To follow kind words of support for the week ahead were delivered by Maria Walsh and past pupil Sarah Rowe. The Pride Flag was raised on the school grounds for the week, as a symbol of support and respect for members of the LGBTI+ communities everywhere, along with giving every member of the school community the opportunity to wear a pride ribbon as a symbol of support for the week ahead.

Junior SPHE and Senior Religion classes were given educational workshops about what Stand Up week means, focusing on the theme ‘Choose Words that Heal Not Hurt’.

Transition Year and fifth year students ran a bake sale and raised over three hundred euro that has been donated to Belong-To youth services to help LGBTI+ teens.

An art competition was held to encourage students to reflect on the first Stand Up week in St Mary’s through whichever artistic medium the students wanted to choose. They could either say it, write it, sing it, or draw it.

Stand Up week in St Mary’s Secondary school was a positive week of learning and reflecting on what it means to Stand Up. Reminding the students never to compare themselves to anyone else, to be the change you want to see in the world, treating others as you yourself would like to be treated and that when we know better, we are called to do better.

Our 6th year student Amelhyne O'Regan-Farineau produces her very own "Talk about it" podcasts
A podcast for teens and young adults. Honest conversations aiming to destigmatize mental health. Music played by young musicians on every episode! See links below to some recent episodes relating to the LGBTQ+ community.

Talk about it Podcast 1: The LGBTQ+ Community

Talk about it Podcast 2:The LGBTQ+ Community Part 2

Talk about it Podcast 3:Pride Month Special with Maria Walsh MEP

Talk about it Podcast 4: The LBBTQ+ Community: Drag Queens

You can listen to all Amelhyne's podcasts here: Talk About It Podcast

St Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up WeekSt Mary’s Secondary School first Stand Up Week
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Slí Ectra, Ballina, Co. Mayo F26YXC7
353 96 70333
© 2025 St. Mary's Secondary School, Ballina