St. Mary's College was established by the Sisters of Mercy in 1936 and, as such, supports the religious and educational philosophy of its founder Catherine McAuley. Catholic schools in the Mercy tradition give expression and witness to the values of the Gospel, the traditions of the Church and the charism which Catherine McAuley exemplified.
True to the inspiring vision of our foundress, Catherine McAuley, we aspire to foster in all our students a deep respect and compassion for all people, especially those who are most vulnerable and in need of practical help.
While maintaining a strong Catholic tradition and ethos, we welcome students from every religious tradition and nationality. In St. Mary’s Secondary School, we believe that such diversity and inclusivity mean that all are enriched by the experience and culture of fellow human beings.
St. Mary’s Secondary School is under the trusteeship of CEIST - a Catholic Education Irish Schools Trust. CEIST is the trustee body for the voluntary secondary schools of the Daughters of Charity, the Presentation Sisters, the Sisters of Mercy, the Sisters of Christian Retreat and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. The Vision of CEIST is to create a compassionate and just society inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Their Mission is to provide a holistic education in the Catholic Tradition.
The CEIST community is committed to living the vision and the core values of the Charter. These values have their roots in the Gospel of Jesus and have been central in the tradition of the five founding Congregations.
CEIST Core Values
Promoting Spiritual and Human Development
Commitment to excellence and continually improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning
Showing Respect for each Individual
Creating a sense of Community with a special welcome for those most in need
Being Just and Responsible in our Relationships.
The core values of CEIST are intended to support and nourish the lives of the people who are at the heart of their schools – students, staff and parents.
CEIST is committed to building school faith communities where good personal relationships are fostered and where the staff are supported and faciliated in their vital role within the school. For more information please visit the CEIST website.