St. Mary's Secondary School, Ballina

Recognition's Day

Our annual Recognitions Day is held in May when, as a school community we gather to celebrate the achievements and activities of the school year. We acknowledge and reward student attendance, sporting achievements and excellence, the school's contribution to fundraising, our engagement in Green School activities, leadership initiatives, music and art to name but a few. The ceremony is punctuated by performances from the school choir, musicians and artistic performances such as the Junk Koutour Fashion display.

Through our ‘School Spirit’ award, we recognise individual students in each year group who best embody the motto of the school: ‘The school with a warm welcome, a caring heart and a guarantee of excellence’. Since 2015, one Leaving Cert student receives the CEIST award which is sponsored by our trust body CEIST. This award is presented to the Leaving Cert student who, during her time at St. Mary’s best gave witness to the five pillars of CEIST which are based on commitment to the teachings of the Gospel, respect for every person and care for those in need.

Our Recognitions Day is one of the highlights of the school year and is growing year on year. It truly is a day of celebration for all involved.

Sep 24
Mercy Day Mass/Opening of School Year Mass
Oct 07
Staff JCT Training: No classes for students
Oct 25
Class ends for Halloween Break
Nov 04
Classes resumes
Congratulations to Our Student Leaders
Congratulations to Our 2024/25 Senior Girl and Deputy Senior Girls!
Reminder: Parenting the Screenager with Dr. Richard Hogan – Thursday, 19th September @ 7:30 PM
Slí Ectra, Ballina, Co. Mayo F26YXC7
353 96 70333
© 2024 St. Mary's Secondary School, Ballina