St Mary’s under the encouragement of Ms Wall run a Young Pioneers Club in school. Students are encouraged to take the pledge not to drink till they are eighteen. They also take on activities to help their local community and to develop their communication and social skills such as
- Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
- Knitting hats for Age Action (Smoothie Hats)
- Christmas carolling in the Nursing Homes and in Ballina Hospital.
- Making St Brigid’s crosses for the residents of the two Nursing Homes and the hospital patients.
- Playing traditional music and Irish dancing in the Nursing homes for St Patrick’s day.
- Organising guest speakers to talk on issues of interest and holding workshops e.g. knitting and crochet.
- Participating in the Ballina Feis in singing, music, poetry and drama
- Hosting an ice-cream day for Down Syndrome Ireland
- Holding a parents evening to demonstrate their yearly achievements