
Mr. Robert O’Reilly - Principal |
Ms. Fiona Bourke - Deputy Principal
It gives us great pleasure to welcome all parents, teachers, pupils, past pupils and the members of the wider community to our school’s website. We hope that you will gain insight into our school and the wonderful education it offers.
St. Mary’s is an all-girls Secondary School, situated on Convent Hill, overlooking the town of Ballina. It is an outstanding school with a student population of over 500 pupils. St. Mary’s has been synonymous with the education of young women since its foundation over 170 years ago by the Sisters of Mercy.
As a Catholic school, under the trusteeship of CEIST, the school works to create a caring school community based on respect, honesty, integrity and justice. St. Mary’s encourages the pursuit of excellence and a high standard of both academic and personal development. St. Mary’s students are enabled not only to achieve academically but are also offered many opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities including music, drama, public speaking, clubs and an extensive physical education programme.
Our goal is to ensure that all students become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers and prolific writers. We do all of this to prepare your daughter for the demands of the real-world so they may become productive citizens, future leaders and contribute positively to the community.
The School’s continuing excellence in these areas is testament to the dedication of students, staff and parents who together continue to build a lively and vibrant learning community.